Moving Into Deeper Waters: A Journey of Faith and Trust

Luke 5:1-11

Read Luke 5:1-11

Just as young children cling tighter to their parents as they wade deeper into the ocean, our faith journey often requires us to venture beyond our comfort zone while holding fast to God's presence.

Why Do We Stay in Shallow Waters?

Many Christians are content paddling in the shallows of their faith, merely dipping their toes in the water. Like the ocean that symbolized chaos and uncertainty in biblical times, stepping into deeper waters of faith can feel intimidating and overwhelming.

How Do We Develop Deeper Faith?

The key to developing deeper faith starts with acknowledging we cannot do it alone. Just as God told Gideon in Judges 6 saying, "But, I will be with you," God’s presence is our assurance when stepping into unknown waters. This promise of God's presence runs throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation.

What Can We Learn from Peter's Fishing Story?

In Luke 5:1-11, we find a powerful example of heading out into deeper waters. After a frustrating night of fishing—catching nothing, Jesus asked Peter to do something that seemed illogical - to go BACK out with him to fish again… and in deep waters… AND during the daytime. Despite his exhaustion and likely skepticism, Peter responded, "Master, at your word, I'll let down the nets."

Key Lessons from Peter's Experience:

  • God often calls us when we're at our most tired and frustrated

  • Following Jesus doesn't always make logical sense

  • Obedience precedes blessing

  • True faith requires action

What Does Grace Look Like in “Deep Waters”?! We discover that grace manifests in unexpected ways when we venture into deeper faith:

  • Perhaps it’s leaving successful careers for ministry or mission

  • Risking relationships to follow Jesus

  • Praising God —even through serious illness

  • Living simply — so you can be more generous toward God and others

  • Befriending the outcast

  • Serving others sacrificially

Life Application

This week, consider where God might be calling you into deeper waters. Ask yourself:

  • What areas of my life am I keeping in the shallow end?

  • Where might God be asking me to trust Him more deeply?

  • What "nets" do I need to let down in obedience to His word?

The challenge is to identify one area where you've been hesitant to fully trust God and take a step of faith into deeper waters. But, remember, just as Jesus was in the boat with Peter, He is with you in whatever He's calling you to do. The fact is… When we venture into deeper waters of faith, we often discover that God's provision exceeds our expectations - just as Peter's boats were sinking because of the massive catch of fish. The key is simply being willing to say, "At your word, Lord, I'll do it."

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Travis Abercrombie